Text by Jim Cook (published January 2000 on www.michaklein.com 1.0)
Welcome to the enlightening world of Micha Klein.
This is the initial launch of the Micha Klein VIEWSLETTER.
First we want to wish each and every one of U’all a Merry NU -Age.
In addition to a blast of noteworthy tidbits, we hope to open your mind and free your soul with the lastest comings and goings here in the world of michaklein.
Lots of things happening after Thailand. Millennium Club Love was a huge success.
Lots of luv as the Rainbow posse returned back to the land of e-nchantment to catch the tail of the Dragon as we leap, head first, into the Age of Aquarius.
The millennium bug turned out to be the flu and all the unhappiness, uncertainty and fear which had been predicted months previously seem to have been unhinged, the fantasy of some deranged publicist. Meanwhile, Afie & Micha are on their way to the BIG APPLE. Such is life in the sphere of luv. Things of interest which may captivate and titillate: Rotterdam hosted their 44th annual International Film Festival in late January. It presented Micha’s first short film, An Accident in Paradise (9min.) part of a project entitled SONIC FRAGMENTS: the poetics of digital fragmentation. The presentation was an homage to the art of re-mixing, that oeuvre which sets out to re-constitute existing sound and images by way of re-living (and re-doing) them in another, and completely new, manner. A hybrid form of technological wizadry which claims alternately, to re-define the already defined. It featured remixes by Dutch film directors Ian Kerkhof, Frank Scheffer, Alexander Oey, Miriam Kruishoop, Rob Schroder and Joost Rekveld. Micha’s short film may have the possibility to be screened at this year’s NEW YORK UNDERGROUND FILM FESTIVAL, 8 thru 14 March. The premiere date is scheduled for the 11th. Additonally, the film was talked about in a forum on Dutch art and artists, at ARCO, the mother of all art fairs which took place mid-February in Madrid. Micha’s work was presented by Amsterdam’s Torch Gallery and that lovable teddy bear of art gallerists, Adriaan van der Have. Speaking of which, two of Micha’s Artificial Beauties can be seen at the forthcoming BLONDIES & BROWNIES show (19 February thru 11 March) at TORCH. The show, curated by art historian RAFAEL VON USLAR touches on the sensitive issue of multiculturalism and the nexus of subtle racism which permeates the most tranquil and tolerant of societies (check out the neighborhood near yoU brutha’s and sistahs) .The Armory Show in New York which takes place in late February (24 thru 28) is, as they say, the bomb, in launching new artists venturing the American (art) market. Micha’s work will be on hand, very graciously I may add, by the care of his London gallery Robert Sandelson (robertsandelson) and San Francisco philanthropist and art collector Kent Logan. Surprisingly, this is the first time Micha will be presenting his work in New York following a group show at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art entitled Ghost in the Shell; Photography and the Human Soul: 1850-2000 last December and last falls San Francsico Art Fair. Rumours are afoot that a major NY gallery is in the works… We’ll keep you posted. Meanwhile, its been Gallery Wars in Italy. The Italians have been going bonkers over the idea of a world gone virtually Klein. Three major galleries two in Milan and one in Trieste: B&D Studio, Marella Arte Contemporanea, & Lipanje Puntin are all vying to have MK in their clutches. Hmmmmmm, may the force be with them all. Both Marella Arte Contemporanea & B&D Studio had group shows within days of one another, exposing work of various Dutch artists with Klein being the common denominator in both. Marella’s determination resulted with a write-up of Micha in Italian Vogue’s January issue as the gallery to watch while the work itself snatched covers of other Italian publications including, KULT, INTERVISTA, ARTE and IMAGE. Gradually things drift to the fun and special. The ADOBE website plans a feature on the work of Micha Klein on their Print Gallery this month. ADOBE as you all know is one of the largest manufacturers of 2D software out there. Coming up in the future are a series of projects stemming from two theme restaurants -one in London and the other in Miami, where Micha has been asked to coordinate and supervise the visuals for both locales. The restaurant in London is to be opened by famed restaurantuer Momo, that Algerian by way of Paris whose known for the extravagance of his clubs and superb North African cuisine worldwide. Momo’s the TEMPLE (working title only), reportedly to be some 2500 2m, is to be a multi- diversional, club, lounge, restaurant, meeting place in the center of London. It’ll be launched the end of this year. B.E.D. (launched by Oliver & Pascale Hoyos this past January) in Miami’s South Beach is, as the name suggests, a theme whereby everyone can enjoy fine dining by, well, lying down (nothing new to Amsterdammer’s familiar with the Supper Club). B.E.D. is reportedly to be the hottest thing since sliced white bread with all of Miami’s glitterai- everyone from Donatella to Puff Daddy (when he ain’t making court appearances) hangin’ till the break of dawn. COOL CAT had their blow out at Marcanti Plaza. Once again the Kleinster was in full effect with the visuals, toastin’ the muthas with a splice of his love, peace and happiness. WASTELAND, that proverbial quarterly porn feest is about to embark on its April mission. This will be the third event in which Micha has been asked to design their poster, a blend of raw cyber-sexuality coupled with the strong new-media imagery which has become his signature. Incidentally, it seems that WASTELAND has become even more popular (I wonder if this has anything to do with our resident artist taking over the poster design?). Maybe everyone just seems to be getting just a little more kinkier. A doc is in the works by London’s Channel 4 on the work of MK. The project will focus on the work and lifestyle of Micha & his long time companion and business partner Afke over a five month period. I hope the camera crew can keep up. The Dutch theater company TRUST has brought to the table, here at Studio Micha Klein, the idea of a play. What type of play you may be asking yourselves? Well…. The play itself is by German playright RAINALD GOETZ about the artist JEFF KOONS and his (former) wife Italian porn star and some time politican, CICCIOLINA. The play concentrates on their tulmultuous, frenzied life together and the product of their creativity: his sometimes controversial conceptual (art) work and her porn. Both of these two elements came together in a piece by Mr. Koons in the late 80’s in the form of a mock porn/lovemaking video with his wife (with digital prints to match); kitsch, art or porn was the rallying cry which had the international art world up in arms. U decide. The TRUST have now asked Micha & Afke to represent themselves on the stage) during this years Holland Festival as the kunstenaar (that’s dutch for auteur) and his wife. Art imitating life- we like to think so. As it is, both Micha and Afke are still considering whether they want to green light the project- or not. Their lives, having been played out so thoroughly in the press recently (leading a great many to believe they were "overexposed’’), seemed a logical choice by veteran director THEU BOERMAN to cast them in the roles of famous artist and muse, who too, to some degree lived their lives in the public domain. Press (whether good or bad) was, as mentioned, in abundance and mostly positive during the latter part of the twentieth century. FLASH ART INTERNATIONAL published in Milan, donated it’s cover to Micha for the Oct./Nov. 1999 issue. The accompanying article (Shallow Happiness Never Lasts pp.96-98) in interview form, concentrated mianly on Micha’s inspiration for his work, his reflections on contemporary art, the role of art in contemporary society and his lust for Vjing. Flash Art has been recognized as a leading art magazine worldwide. A debt of gratitude must be acknowledged to editor-in-chief HELENA KONTOVA and publisher GIANCARLO POLITI for their resolute belief from the very beginning in the project and the work. Following that spectacular splash, NEWSWEEK - which Of Pigment and Pixels U can check out right here on the website- brought out an article about monsieur (pp.96-97; December1999-February 2000)- with a mock-up cover of his Electric Blue man from the Virtualistic Vibe Series) and a few others including that dynamite futuristic geisha MARIKO MORI. The piece itself concentrated on the art of the future, where it is headed and what it’s all about. AT5 had a general discussion with a panel concerning itself with communication in the 21st century. Right up our alley. The panel included various individuals from Holland’s progressive media scene including Micha. Speaking of which Afke can now be heard ocassionally as a guest presentrice of that indominitable spirit WILLEM DE RIDDER’s weekly broadcast (most Friday evenings) on Radio 100, Amsterdam’s longest running squatters radio (bless their souls). Her last show touched on micro magnetic fields and the world of dreams. Aaahhhhhhhhhh. And that beautiful R@inbow Children, brings us to the close of our first VIEWSLETTER. We hope you enjoyed our inaugural brief and welcome any and all comments and suggestions. On that note, we’d like to wish U all, 1 luv, peace, & happiness.