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I give house culture a face; Interview with computer artist Micha Klein


“The struggle between nature and culture fascinates me: Michael Jackson who makes a sculpture of his own body. But it is also hysterical to go to a plastic surgeon seventeen times. To take a new nose when you are bored with the last one. 

I want to drive that process to a logical conclusion. The beauty cult eventually cancels itself. Some people will want to be ugly, just to be different. Of course, my cyber girls also seduce, but it is synthetic beauty that is separate from reality. That is why they hopefully raises questions. "

NRC Handelsblad

January 9 , 1998

Arjen Ribbens



Dec 1999 - Feb 2000

Peter Plagens



"Actually, it's happening already in the hyperhappy, techno-cartoony photographs and holograms of the late-twentysomething Japanese artist Mariko Mori (she won't disclose her age) and a Dutchman, Micha Klein, 35, who goes her one or two steps better"




"Yes our society is sick. But that doesn't mean we have to be.  From the media and the governments there seems to be a constant pressure to conform ourselves to be mindless consumers and tax payers, to pray the mantra of capitalism. We should never forget we are free however, to create our own reality and value systems, which is what a lot of early house culture was all about." (Micha Klein)





August 2004

Lisa Vedra, Micha Klein


Cyber-Art hits Central London


"Micha Klein is recognised as one of the world's leading artist working with computer graphics, and from his Rainbow Children exhibition in Cork Street it is easy to see why."








Time Out - London

November 2001

David Dean




"His computer art has become extremely popular with the dancing youth in the 90's and his works are gradually trickling in with museums and art collectors. Klein has, because of his art and his positivism, become a recognized pioneer of the new millennium"








January 2000

Nico Burssens


March 2001

Joe Shepter

Mucho Micha


"Too cool for school designer, artist, VJ and agent provocateur Micha Klein makes the pretty lights swirl and all the kids swoon with his mellow brand of visual terrorism."

DVOX Media.png



"Drawn from existentialism, new age philosophies and ground-breaking technology, Klein’s message stresses the seminal age of optimism seething currently in Europe. Klein’s work appears in auspicious places as beacons of hope sent out to the next generation. 







DVOX Magazine

Dec 1999

W. Calisto


Micha Klein - Cyber Attitude


"D'immenses scenes de groupe : les photos numériques de I'artiste multimédia hollandais Micha Klein. Apres des années de recherche, en liaison avec la déferlante techno, il vient de réaliser une série magnifique, « Rainbow Children », qui s'est tailléé un- succes totallors de sa derniere exposition a New Vork, a la Mary Boone Gallery. II nous a raconté son parcours, des raves aux cimaises des musées. Le temps s'accélere quand on parle avec lui. Le futur est la."

Art Actuel 

December 2000

Marie-Pierre Nakamura




Micha Klein is too happy. This should not, in any way, be misconstrued as a sign of this artist being simple. Or simpleminded. His demeanor is that of a fun-loving urban bohemian but his work has influenced a great many within Europe and beyond's club culture and in some ways, he has been created and sampled from the very sphere he plays, spins and, well, has fun in. If the name is unfamiliar to some of you, then this may be the time for many of you to sit up and back-space.




Flash Art International

October, 1999

Jim Cook

Douglas Rushkoff.jpg

Catalogue Text

August 2002

Douglas Rushkoff

Micha Klein, By Douglas Rushkoff, author of The Ecstasy Club


"Not since the ancient Greeks pondered and imitated the festivities at Mount Olympus has such a perfect union of decadence and Platonic ideas been proto-typed on a culture at large."


DJMAG VJ TOP 20, 2005


"Micha Klein has been at the forefront of VJing since its conception, from warehouse parties in 1988 to a residency atPacha Ibiza in 1997. Klein started 2005 banging out visuals next to Tiësto for Palladium's New Year's Eve Party in Hollywood, sponsored by Playstation. His array of extravagant collaborations with Tiësto continued, with a five-hour set at his Space Mountain gig at Disneyland Paris and another at the Heineken MusicHall in Amsterdam. Klein then flew to Jakarta's Club Vertigo before taking time to finish a video installation in Fashion Walk, Hong Kong. "


October, 10, 2005



Micha Klein, Estremi Virtuali


"Visioni estatiche, ritmi house e tecnologie virtuali. Questi gli ingredienti dell'opera di Micha Klein, quasi allucinazioni di un mondo perfetto.  Olandese, portavoce di una cultura sperimentale fondata su una fusione fra arte, house music, ricerca della bellezza, a 35 anni e diventato un simbolo per Ie nuove generazioni che della contaminazione hanno fatto un dettato di vita. "




April 1999


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